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Tentatsu Sushi Restaurant Burnaby


秩名   餐饮文库
Job Summary:
He is responsible for the efficient and successful operation of the designated Kitchen. He controls, checks and supervises the kitchen operations and works hands on as and when needed. He assumes the responsibility for training related functions of all his staff
He assists the Executive Chef in the day-to-day kitchen operations and represents him, in his absence, with all its responsibilities.

Duties & Responsibilities:
Supervise efficient, productive and profitable kitchen operations and ensure that high standards of food production and presentation are consistent throughout the hotel at all times.
1.        Food Production       
·         He is responsible for the quality of all food prepared in the kitchen he supervises. He constantly inspects taste, temperature and visual appeal. He makes sure that all dishes are uniform and that established portion sizes are adhered to.
·         He is very careful to prevent the use of spoiled or contaminated products in any phase of food preparation and prevents associates who are ill or suffering from an infection from taking part in the preparation or handling of food.
·         To assist with the planning of menus and food promotions.
·         Develop and test new dishes and products
·         Ensure that outstanding special events and special food promotions are carried out
·         To control standards of food production and presentation throughout the hotel
·         To examine goods for quality and quantity.
·         He controls the Chefs and Cooks to follow standard recipes and methods of preparation
·         He informs the Executive Chef immediately of bad products.
2.        Standards & Procedures.
·         Total knowledge & understanding of Food Preparation Standard & Procedure.
·         Ensure that all P&P and S&P are carried out consistently
·         Take part in the setting and evolving the standards and procedures
3.        Hygiene
·         Responsible for hygiene standards with the Steward Coordinators, in all kitchens, store room, refrigerators and work areas.
·         Responsible for the personal hygiene and grooming standards of the kitchen staff.
·         He ensures personal cleanliness and proper discipline of all associates under his supervision.
·         He assures that soiled or damaged utensils are not put into use, watching for cracked and chipped china and glassware and trains his staff to follow this rule.
4.        Control
·         To work closely with the Executive Chef on the development of food cost and quality control procedures.
·         To ensure that these control procedures are carried out consistently
·         Assist with the costing and pricing of menus and other food services having taken into consideration the profit margins lined out in the hotel budgets.
·         Together with the Executive Chef investigates food cost issues with a view to take whatever corrective action may be necessary.
·         Make sure that all the Equipment and fixtures are maintained well and reports any faults and damage.
5.        Purchasing and Stock control
·         Handle and store stock according to stock control procedures.
·         To constantly examine food supplies to ensure that they conform to the quality standards stipulated by the company are adhered to
·         The Sous Chef is responsible for the purchase of food in absence of the Executive Chef. In cooperation with the Purchasing Manager, he assures the best quality for the best price.
6.        Maintain a safe and secure working environment.
·         Be aware of duty of care, and adhere to occupational health and safety legislation, policies and procedures.
·         Initiate action to correct a hazardous situation and notify supervisor’s managers of potential hazards and dangers.
·         Adhere to the hotel’s security and emergency policies and procedures
·         Be familiar with property safety, current first aid fire emergency procedures.
·         Comply with all hotel and corporate Safety and security guidelines
7.        Training
·         Takes an active part in all facets of Training activities in the Food Preparation Department.
·         On the job training
·         Training on New menu Items
·         Conducting Classroom Style Training in all Food Preparation related subjects
·         Assist Chief Steward with Sanitation and Health Training.
·         To assist with the development and implementation of a training program for kitchen staff.
8.        Staffing management & Communication.
·         To work closely with the Executive Chef, Human Resources, Personnel manager, and plan for future staffing needs.
·         Assist in Recruiting staff and conduct interviews.
·         Maintain up-to-date staff records.
·         Hands on and take active part in day-to-day operations.
·         Manage staff training and development using Sheraton Human Resources management system.
·         Assist with the planning and delivery work.
·         Implement staff performance appraisals.
·         Carry out exit interviews. Supervise staff performance.
·         Provide ongoing advice and support to staff under your supervision.
·         Provide one to one instructions to staff members when required.
·         Implement appropriate management practices to foster a culture of open door approach and enhance staff motivation.
·         He also liaises with other outlets and Departments on guest comments and follows up with necessary action.
·         Inter act with department and hotel staff in a professional and positive manner to foster good rapport, promote team spirit and ensure effective two-way communication.
·         Deal effectively with guests and workplace colleagues from a variety cultures.
·         Work effectively in a team.
9.        Kitchen Planning
·         To assist the Executive Chef with the planning and design of new kitchens and kitchen improvement schemes.
·         To discuss with the Executive Chef on the choice of kitchen equipment.
·         To keep up to date with new development techniques and equipment and instruct his staff on how to use it correctly.
10.     Computing
·         Maintain computer systems.
·         Access and use basic word processing and spreadsheet computer packages.
11.     Abide by the Sheraton Code of Conduct.
12.     Abide by the Sheraton Employee Handbook.
13.     Abide by both the hotel and Sheraton policies and procedures.
14.     Administration procedures
·         Prepare and maintain files, reports, letters, memorandums and other relevant business documentation.
·         Ensure all reporting and servicing deadlines are met on a timely basis.
15.     General
·         Together with the Executive Chef he schedules working hour of all kitchen staff, taking into consideration volume of expected business but being careful at all time to conserve labor cost. He authorizes overtime if warranted by unexpected business or dismisses them earlier if business it low.
·         He assigns in detail, specific duties to all associates under his supervision and instructs them in their work.
·         He works very closely with the Steward Coordinator whose duty is to keep kitchen area clean and orderly. He insists upon meticulous cleanliness and orderliness.
1.     食品知识
·         负责监督所有厨房食品质量的准备、要不断的检查食品的味道、温度外观。
·         确保所有的食品没有腐烂、变质时刻注意在提供食品时避免员工使用过期及肮脏食品。
·         协助行政总厨制定菜单及食品节。
·         发展新菜肴和产品。
·         确保优秀的烹饪技术不外传。
·         控制食品出产的标准。
·         监测收货的食品质量和数量。
·         控制厨师要按照配料卡标准及程序准备食品。
·         及时将变质食品拿出并通知行政总厨。
2.     标准和程序
·         了解并熟知所有食品准备的标准和程序。
·         保证所有的政策和程序和标准和程序是。
·         参与 制定和发展标准和程序
3.     卫生
·         同管事部协调员按照卫生标准共同管理好厨房、库房、冰箱的卫生。
·         监督所有员工的个人卫生和仪表仪容达到标准。
·         确保个人卫生并对于员工过失作以相应处罚。
·         确保不使用破损餐具及检查瓷器、玻璃器皿是否有裂纹并指导 。
4.     控制
·         同行政总厨共同研究如何发展食品质量控制程序。
·         保证按照成本和食品质量控制程序进行。
·         协助成本制定菜单价钱,其他食品及服务也要考虑到酒店预算的盈利差。
·         同行政总厨共同监测食品成本并及时纠正其中出现的问题。
·         保证所有的设备正常工作如有问题马上报告。
5.     采购和存货控制
·         按照存货控制程序处理和储存存货。
·         持续检查食品供应的质量确保食品质量达到喜来登标准。
·         在中餐行政总厨不在时厨师长要负责食品采购,同采购部经理共同以最低的价钱买到最好的食品。
6.     维持一个安全可靠的工作环境
·         强调保养职责,遵守工作区健康和安全法规,政策和程序.
·         采取行动排除危险,向上级或经理报告危险隐患.。
·         坚持酒店安全制度,紧急情况处理规定和程序。
·         熟悉对财产安全,紧急救护和火警等处理程序。
·         遵守酒店和公司的所有工作指南。
7.     培训
·         厨师长要在食品准备部门的培训中起到重要作用。
·         上岗培训
·         新菜单种类的培训。
·         对于相关食品知识作课堂式培训。
·         协助管事部经理作好卫生及健康的培训。
·         协助制作完整的厨房员工发展计划。
8.     员工管理和沟通
·         同中餐行政总厨、人事经理及管理层共同制定本部门各岗位所需人员的编制计划。
·         协助招聘员工和面谈。
·         维护现有员工记录。
·         控制和参与每天的正常工作。
·         使用²喜来登人力资源管理系统”来管理员工培训和发展.。
·         协助计划和实施入店教育。
·         进行员工表现评估.
·         实施员工离职面谈。
·         给予所管辖的员工以不断的建议和支持。
·         必要时对员工进行面对面指导。
·         实施合适的管理方式给予员工动力和沟通.。
·         同时也要同其他餐厅及各餐厅经理共同协助有关客人意见。
·         以职业的,肯定的方式与部门和酒店员工建立起亲密以促进团对精神和有效的双向交流。
·         与具不同文化背景的客人和同事有效沟通。
·         在团对内有效工作。
9.        厨房计划
·         协助中餐行政总厨设计新的厨房计划并提出改进方案。
·         同中餐行政总厨共同讨论如何精选厨房设备。
·         保证食品、机器不断更新并指导员工如何正确使用。
10.     电脑
·         维护电脑系统.
·         掌握和使用文字处理软件包.
11.  遵守喜来登行为准则.
12.  遵守喜来登员工手册.
13.  遵守喜来登和酒店的规章制度.
14.  程序管理
·         准备和维护文档,报告,信函,备忘录和其它相关业务资料.
·         保证所有报告和服务都能按时完成.
15.  总体
·         同中餐行政总厨一起编排厨房员工工作时间,同时也要考虑到节约成本,他有权根据工作需要安排员工休息时间。
·         明确、细致的分配所有员工的工作并监督其工作效率。
·         要紧密的同管事部协调员沟通使厨房区域干净、有次序并持续保持。

Job Knowledge / Skill:
Must have a good knowledge and understanding of Chinese cuisines
Must be “hands on” and able to practice and demonstrate excellent technical kitchen skills.
Must have the ability and motivation to create new dishes and establish effective standards for all food production and presentation
Must be a good trainer
专业及技能 :
Minimum requirements-High school graduate
Preferred – Completed Technical education in Hospitality or Culinary school
At least has 5 years Chinese kitchen experience in 5 Star Hotel at supervisory level, with a minimum of 3 yrs as sous chef
Additional Skill required:
Training skills and leadership.
With a very Pro active and positive attitude to work, and demonstrate flexibility.



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